PALO is a full-service performance marketing agency. We help clients acquire more customers, publishers earn more revenue and brands grow their customer base

about us


What is Performance Marketing?

Performance marketing is a form of marketing that focuses on getting an action to occur; sale, lead, conversion, click, etc.

Since 2010 PALO has been focused on performance-based digital marketing to help our client grow based upon what matters most, marketing that performs.

Industries we operate in

Our Reputation

Why does the industry choose PALO?

We understand performance marketing from every angle and every stage of the funnel. Our clients trust that we know what metrics move their business towards growth. Our publisher and affiliate partners know that we make maximum revenue and ROAS a main focus when growing our partnerships.

Why Do Publishers Choose PALO?

  •  Exclusive Publisher Ad Tech.
  •  Access to Our Publisher Perk Program.
  •  Owned, In-House Programs & Offers.

Why Do Clients Choose PALO?

  •  Advanced Fraud & Compliance Controls
  •  Exclusive Distribution Access
  •  1 to 1 Relationship Management to Grow Your Business.
Meet Us

Our Team

At PALO we’re not just a team, we’re a family. Having a strong team coupled with deep industry experience is felt through every client interaction we have.

Aria Martinez

Distribution Assistant

Diego Francioni

Software Engineer

Josh Ansell

Director of Operations

Sory Rivera

VP of Sales Operations

Daniel Gerbaudo

Technical Operations Manager


Chief Dude Officer

Gene Morris

Media Buyer

Anthony Paluzzi


Naphtal Sande

Brand Manager